Contact info

Carpathia Clinic

9 Charing Cross, St Helier

Jersey JE2 3RP

Opening times

Clinic operating hours 

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

About Us

About Carpathia Clinic

Our mission is simple: If we can help you, we will.

We understand how daily pain from physical or mental health can be debilitating. If there’s a chance we can help reduce that pain to help you live an easier life, we will offer all the support you need to get you feeling like yourself again. Our aim is to offer better care to lead to better lives.

Our vision of the future for natural healing pathways is bright. As increasing medical research leads to innovative advancements, we discover more healing potential in natural medicines. We want to be at the forefront of this exciting time in natural medicine and help more people to live better lives, naturally.

If you think like we do, get involved and subscribe to our newsletter

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